Help­ing estab­lished
entre­pre­neurs & busi­ness­es
gain time to scale

Tran­si­tion from scat­tered infor­ma­tion,
to cen­tral­i­sa­tion and ease.

Be able to with­draw from client work, become a del­e­ga­tion machine and hire us to build the sys­tems & process­es to run your oper­a­tions smoothly.

Grow into a

  • super effi­cient Business-of-One
  • a pow­er­ful small-sized team
  • or expand your team with­out the grow­ing pain

Lever­age your knowl­edge, live the async culture.

Help­ing con­sul­tants & freelancers

gain time to scale

Tran­si­tion from 12 hours days to two.

With­draw from client work, become a del­e­ga­tion machine and hire us to build the sys­tems & process­es to run your oper­a­tions smoothly.

Grow into a micro-agency, a super effi­cient Busi­ness-of-One or your (first) team.

Liv­ing an async culture.

Imag­ine a future where

You define your com­pa­ny cul­ture as asyn­chro­nous (not only remote).

An async cul­ture that’s based on trust and transparency.

A place where you plan, gath­er, del­e­gate and exe­cute in one place.

And where you decide how big or small your busi­ness should be.

You need these 3 systems

Your busi­ness needs 3 core sys­tems to sup­port itself.

Icon Rocket

Exe­cu­tion Knowledge

A struc­ture that helps you to track, exe­cute and doc­u­ment at the same time.

Icon Holding Box

Pas­sive Knowledge

A struc­ture where you can look up how things are and were done.

Icon Synchronize

Tem­po­rary Knowledge

A struc­ture that helps you coor­di­nate to make your exe­cu­tion eas­i­er and align with others.

Let’s break those 3 down

How those three show up practically.


Every­thing that helps your busi­ness get­ting things done. Such as:

  • Exe­cute tasks for projects and main­te­nance work
  • Con­nect with your leads and record interactions
  • Net­work with key players
  • Cre­ate and pub­lish content
  • Pro­duce and deliv­er ser­vices and/or tan­gi­ble prod­ucts for clients
  • Take meet­ing notes


Every­thing that helps you to remem­ber and look-up infor­ma­tion, and define stan­dards. Here are some:

  • Keep an eye on the progress of a project you fan­cy the most or a key client
  • Find a clien­t’s email address and recap quick­ly pre­vi­ous conversations
  • Doc­u­ment decisions
  • Record Stan­dard Oper­at­ing Pro­ce­dures (SOP)
  • Build a staff and client onboard­ing process
  • Doc­u­ment brand guidelines
  • Know who’s work­ing in your com­pa­ny and who’s off for holiday


We don’t just exe­cute, look-up infor­ma­tion or main­tain a great doc­u­men­ta­tion. We high­ly rely on coor­di­nat­ing with oth­ers to co-work, align, sched­ule and assure no redun­dan­cies are created.

For that we use tools like

  • Word, Excel, and the like to work on the same doc­u­ment, but dis­cus­sions hap­pen some­where else
  • Email, to send out­side con­tacts information
  • Slack, to align and sched­ule (and to send some memes)

Most data chaos hap­pens here because we aren’t aware that this kind of work is tem­po­rary. With the result that we end­less­ly chase for infor­ma­tion to re-build context.

And if you’re build­ing for an async work cul­ture, it’s absolute­ly imper­a­tive to bring aware­ness into this.

Let’s mar­ry

Cul­ture & Sys­tems = ❤️

Stream­line your oper­a­tions to lev­el up

You over­book your­self constantly

Imag­ine tran­si­tion­ing from work­ing 50+hours/week to nor­mal hours and then scal­ing to the pin­na­cle of work­ing 2–3 hours a day.

Let’s build process­es and a sys­tem that help you fore­cast and then delegate.

You’re too busy to fix your sys­tem, so you keep slap­ping on band-aids

Have the sys­tems in place that allow you to accom­mo­date more clients and more projects (with­out break­ing into a cold sweat).

Con­stant infor­ma­tion hunt­ing is slow­ing you down

Not only that, the con­text switch­ing that goes along with this is also high­ly tiring.

Data orga­ni­za­tion and stream­lined process­es are the basis to scal­ing your busi­ness. You need to wel­come centralization.

Every­thing needs to have it’s ded­i­cat­ed place, so that peo­ple do not rely on you (the own­er) to find stuff.

Free your­self from the bot­tle­neck syndrome

Your solo-busi­ness might have resem­bled a thread going smooth­ly through the eye of a nee­dle. But now, as you’re scal­ing, you’re try­ing to fit a fat rope through it. And it just does­n’t work anymore.

Togeth­er we bring clar­i­ty into your process­es, doc­u­ment them so that they empow­er your team mem­bers (or project staff).

Doc­u­ment to Empower!

Devel­op knowl­edge man­age­ment that empow­ers your future team

When scal­ing your solo-prac­tise to a micro-agency, you should build a sys­tem so that knowl­edge always stays with­in your business.

Let’s build a knowl­edge man­age­ment sys­tem and cul­ture where employ­ees and con­trac­tors feel empow­ered to share knowl­edge with the group. As opposed to hoard it.

Find calm, focus on client rela­tions and scale

Entre­pre­neur­ship might always feel a lit­tle chaot­ic, but you can step into the eye of the hur­ri­cane where it’s calm.

With calm oper­a­tions, you’ll free your­self from doing quick fix­es here in there and have final­ly the men­tal resources to focus on client relations.

This allows you to scale your busi­ness to the size that you find most fit­ting for you.

Con­sult­ing & Imple­men­ta­tion Services

Con­struct­ing Operations

Async Cul­ture

Becom­ing clear how your work cul­ture should look like, will inform how we define your process­es and build systems.

Sys­tem Build

Before we build your work­space to reflect your busi­ness process­es, we dig into the how.

Start­ing with the Clar­i­ty Work­shop, we ana­lyze your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion and needs. Sec­ond, we build your pro­to­type and, third, sup­port you in your imple­men­ta­tion process.

Fine­tune your OPS

You have a work­space and want us to look after it. Either you need more fea­tures, automa­tions and/or data qual­i­ty checks.

Think of it as a ser­vice that keeps all your OPS ducks in a row.

Per­fect­ing Operations

Notion Con­sult­ing

Our short and focused con­sult­ing is ide­al if you have already a work­space and want our exper­tise to fine-tune it.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you want to assure a good prod­uct fit with Notion, or need a tool rec­om­men­da­tion, before you start build­ing a sys­tem. Get our exper­tise to come to a fast and valid decision.

Cus­tom Notion Training

If we’ve built your Notion work­space, a tai­lored Notion train­ing is part of our projects to assure a seam­less transition.

If you’ve built your Notion work­space your­self or per­fect­ed a pre-built set­up, we can offer a cus­tomized live train­ing. This will assure that your team mem­bers “get” Notion faster, than from a gener­ic self-learn­ing course.

The sys­tems we build

To sup­port the doing, com­pa­ny struc­ture and trans­for­ma­tion to an async culture.

360° view

What­ev­er sys­tem — we want to cen­tral­ize and con­nect as much as pos­si­ble so that you ben­e­fit from a 360° view on your data. Always know what’s hap­pen­ing and how you’re progressing.

Project & Task Management

Have a cen­tral hub for all tasks, group them by project and orga­nize them by client or busi­ness area.
Or we cre­ate cus­tom setups, e.g., for your con­tent production.

Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment (CRM)

Pro­vide the best expe­ri­ence to your poten­tial and exist­ing clients.
That could be a clever leads’ man­age­ment, project deliv­ery, stay­ing in touch with them or a spe­cif­ic client portal.

Knowl­edge Management

Whether you need a clever cap­tur­ing sys­tem, have your per­son­al 2nd brain hub, com­pa­ny wiki, onboard­ing sys­tem or need the right knowl­edge in a par­tic­u­lar con­text, it can be built.

Strate­gic Busi­ness Development

Have your ded­i­cat­ed strat­e­gy space where you devel­op new prod­ucts and ini­tia­tives, define OKRs and mea­sure how well your projects have per­formed against it.

Man­age­ment Board

Pull your work­space data into one hub that dis­plays rel­e­vant key para­me­ters or even have auto­mat­i­cal­ly updat­ed charts embed­ded for a fast birds eye view.


With time you’ll notice oth­er areas of repet­i­tive man­u­al work. If there’s a pat­tern, then we’ll auto­mate it with some handy bots.At times we also sug­gest areas that may ben­e­fit from automations.

Spe­cial­i­ty Applications

Need a client por­tal, a course plat­form, a course man­age­ment sys­tem, tick­et­ing sys­tem, or some­thing else that’s a unique use case?

Notion & beyond

We build cen­tral­ized busi­ness sys­tems with Notion.
But Notion isn’t always the per­fect fit for every use case. Or, you may have an exist­ing soft­ware that you want to col­lab­o­rate with Notion.
Get in touch with us for more details.

Sup­port­ed tools

We love Notion, but we love our clients more.

We want them to have the best pos­si­ble set­up for their unique busi­ness sce­nario. Hence, we have more tools up our sleeves to tru­ly build the right system.

Busi­ness before process, process­es before tools.


Airtable, and oth­er table based applications


Check­out solutions

Client por­tals

Cross-plat­form rela­tion­al data­base applications

How we work

Go from zero to clar­i­ty – to pro­to­type – and implementation



Gain clar­i­ty of how your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion can be addressed, which appli­ca­tion match­es best your needs and in return, get a plan that maps the path to your desired goal.

The cher­ry on the cake will be our fixed price offer, so you know how much to allo­cate for your growth.

Done in a week.



Based on the won insights from our Clar­i­ty Work­shop, we build your pro­to­type in about 1 to 3 months.

After we’ve rolled you out on your pro­to­type, trained your staff, you imple­ment your set­up in your dai­ly business.


to refine

To smooth the imple­men­ta­tion, we’ll offer tai­lored Refine­ment sub­scrip­tion packages.

This will ease the imple­men­ta­tion into your busi­ness fur­ther, as this phase will nat­u­ral­ly sur­face more nuanced needs.

Have more fea­tures imple­ment­ed, keep your set­up run effort­less­ly with our oper­a­tional sup­port – with­out the over­head and always a pro at hand.

Clar­i­ty Workshop

We work­shop our way to what is work­ing for you, what isn’t, where you want to go and deliv­er an action plan how to get there.

Dis­cov­er + Diag­nose = Clarity

USD 2000


Strate­gic assessment


Work­flow & Sys­tem Audit


Dura­tion 1 week



Mar­cel Krippendorf

Shop­ware Free­lancer & Owner

Conor McCarthy


Chris Wil­son

Life Coach

01. Natascha built me a frame­work with which I can map my entire busi­ness.
I now have an admin­is­tra­tion cen­ter where every­thing inter­locks and aggre­gates data from dif­fer­ent sources.
Natascha knows what she’s doing and gets every­thing out of Notion that’s possible.

02. “I did­n’t real­ly know what was pos­si­ble with Notion.“
Natascha has often blown me away. It was a bit chal­leng­ing at the begin­ning. Because one of the luck­i­ly things that Natascha did was chal­lenge the way I thought about my work.

03. The idea of set­ting it up your­self and fig­ur­ing out how to take full advan­tage of every­thing was over­whelm­ing.
She took every­thing that was bounc­ing around in my head and mag­i­cal­ly brought it to life. Natascha is basi­cal­ly a sorceress.

Get to know us

We really like Notion, but is it right for you?

We know it's not for everyone or every workflow.

This 2-week mini-course shows you advantages, contra points and for what it can be used in business.

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