About the Founder

Notion made to fit — Cus­tom busi­ness sys­tems for asyn­chro­nous work cultures.

Asynch.works is run by Natascha Buck, the 1# Swiss and 24th cer­ti­fied Notion Con­sul­tant among the 40+ world­wide. Meet­ing the demand for busi­ness sys­tems among the 20 Mil­lion Notion users.

Used by teams at Fig­ma, Pixar, Nike, Uber, Buffer, Loom, and many more.

No Code since 1998

Thanks to her hands-on mind­set, Natascha always fixed bro­ken process­es as they appeared and became a pro­gram­mer with­out even real­iz­ing it.

She taught her­self to pro­gram in the 90s, devel­op­ing a sys­tem that auto­mat­ed process­es and increased data qual­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty. This laid the foun­da­tion for no-cod­ing and became the thread through­out her career.

Lat­er, at the Swiss Stock Exchange, she built a CRM for the team respon­si­ble for the New Mar­ket seg­ment that would take bio-tech and IT star­tups pub­lic. A few months in, she was asked to par­tic­i­pate in the devel­op­ment of a com­pa­ny-wide CRM. She merged her CRM, defined data mod­els, hired tem­po­rary staff for data migra­tion, and onboard­ed new employ­ees in Zurich, Gene­va, and Lon­don. This is when she became a busi­ness ana­lyst and the com­pa­ny’s first CRM Analyst.

She also built a brick-and-mor­tar busi­ness from the ground up as a hands-on start­up side hus­tle. When she real­ized that she enjoyed build­ing busi­ness­es more than per­fect­ing the thou­sands’ sug­ar rose, she decid­ed to chan­nel this expe­ri­ence to help oth­er busi­ness own­ers. Today, rather than devel­op­ing vol­ume-based recipe data­bas­es and full cost cal­cu­la­tion sys­tems for her own busi­ness, she uses this expe­ri­ence to assist oth­er busi­ness owners.

Exper­tise from Experience

When you work with us, you’ll ben­e­fit from our 20+ years of expe­ri­ence. We’ll make sure to avoid repeat­ing the mis­takes we’ve seen in the past.

We under­stand how star­tups oper­ate, how small-sized com­pa­nies grow, and the chal­lenges faced by large-sized companies.

Before we scale your busi­ness with the right sys­tems and start work­ing with no-code tools, we begin by gain­ing clar­i­ty through strat­e­gy. Learn more about our approach here.

Today — we help scale


becom­ing their micro-agency.

In the begin­ning you want­ed to proof your busi­ness con­cept. Over time, the demand for your ser­vices grew.

Now you are or have reached your (time) lim­its and don’t feel like to con­tin­ue work­ing 10 hours every day.

It’s a good prob­lem to have — but still one that needs to be solved.

Because you’ve real­ized that every­thing depends on you — in good and bad times…

We help Free­lancers build a cen­tral­ized frame­work that helps you del­e­gate with ease, assur­ing the qual­i­ty of the work and pro­vid­ing trans­paren­cy in your new team.


You know that key to your mar­ket suc­cess is to get that prod­uct out and clients in. Ide­al­ly, also fund­ing in.

Now you’re faced with a grow­ing team and near­ly inex­is­tent oper­a­tional backbones.

This is where we come in to place — we build the struc­tures, sys­tems and work­flows that enable you to scale with­out implod­ing on the ops side.

Async Work Culture

We believe that asyn­chro­nous work is the new remote. Remote work isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly asyn­chro­nous, but it should be.

Asyn­chro­nous work shifts the focus from phys­i­cal avail­abil­i­ty to inde­pen­dent think­ing. You and your staff will cre­ate bet­ter out­put because you aren’t mea­sur­ing for phys­i­cal presence.

Instead, you acknowl­edge that free­ing every­one from stick­ing to a rigid sched­ule all the time will unlock more creativity.

Swiss-made, bi-lin­gual & async

We serve clients who speak both Eng­lish and Ger­man, because we believe that minds who speak mul­ti­ple lan­guages are pro­lif­ic (and diverse) thinkers.

Of course, it’s best for you to com­mu­ni­cate in your moth­er tongue to effec­tive­ly con­vey your point of view. Addi­tion­al­ly, Natascha is able to speak Swiss Ger­man, Span­ish, and some French.

Get to know us