Clar­i­ty Workshop

Every busi­ness is different.

They serve dif­fer­ent client seg­ments, have dif­fer­ent prod­ucts & ser­vices and vary in lev­el of matu­ri­ty. And above all, dif­fer­ent process­es and data that need work­ing together.

How exact­ly your busi­ness ticks and find­ing the spots that don’t run ide­al, we’ll find out through our Clar­i­ty Workshop.

At the end, you’ll have a clear action plan how to go from A to B (and our imple­men­ta­tion proposal).

Gain clar­i­ty by diag­nos­ing first. Clar­i­ty pre­cedes success.

Uncover your potential


Get a clear pic­ture of how you can run your oper­a­tions with Notion, if anoth­er appli­ca­tion is more suit­able for your needs, and/or how your exist­ing Notion set­up can be bet­ter tai­lored to your processes.

Go from tech & process chaos to trans­paren­cy – know which tools to keep on using, which one can be cen­tral­ized into Notion or demot­ed by imple­ment­ing automations.

Our action plan lays out how to go to your desired out­come, how long it’ll take and how much it’ll cost.


We kick off our Clar­i­ty Work­shop with a ques­tion­naire. Upon your com­ple­tion, you will book your workshops.

Based on your answer, we will dig deep­er into the sub­ject and get a more nuanced pic­ture of your situation.

Get a met­alev­el understanding

We are all so entrenched in our dai­ly busi­ness and very capa­ble of doing the work very well. But not so much what sup­ports the doing.

Through our ded­i­cat­ed strate­gic assess­ment, you gain a more holis­tic picture.


This mini-project will be com­plet­ed with a report and a project proposal.

The report will include a sum­ma­ry of our insights, pro­vide an action plan for imple­men­ta­tion, tool rec­om­men­da­tions (e.g., Notion, a com­bi­na­tion or an alter­na­tive) and an imple­men­ta­tion offer.

You’re free to accept our pro­pos­al, take the exe­cu­tion in house or on the free market.

The process

  • Book the Clar­i­ty Workshop
  • Sign off mutu­al NDA
  • Fill in the intake form (the basis for our workshops) 
    • If applic­a­ble, pro­vide us access to your Notion work­space (team plan required)
    • Give us a video walk­through of your cur­rent sys­tems and workflows
  • Sched­ule workshops
  • Hold 4x 90 min­utes work­shop for require­ment gath­er­ing, work­flow & sys­tem audit
  • Deliv­ery of the Clar­i­ty Report and project proposal
  • Dura­tion: 2 weeks

Next: Book now

And know it two weeks, how to go about your set­up and how much it’ll cost.

CHF 2000


Dura­tion: 2 weeks


4x Work­shops


Require­ment gathering


Work­flow audit


Sys­tem audit


We’ll walk you through our process.